Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The King Is Coming...

More and more lately the Lord has been placing on my heart the certain knowledge that He will be coming soon.  Of course, we do not know just when He will come, but the signs of the times seem to point so clearly to the fact that at no time in the past has so much of what was prophesied in the Word about the Lord's second coming been occurring.  The elect are being deceived by false prophets, wickedness and downright evil of every kind, as in the days of Noah, is rife throughout the world, natural disasters are increasing daily, the Jews now have a homeland of their own at last and are gathering there from the four corners of the world (a fact which such a short time ago seemed impossible), and only in our time have we been able to envisage the fact that the whole world could be destroyed in a matter of moments.  The Lord seems to be warning His people everywhere to be prepared - wake up, be alert - for the time of our redemption is nigh.  
So beloved friends, we need to keep looking up, because... THE KING IS COMING!


The King is coming, I know He is,
Though I don't know when it will be;
Maybe on a day just like this
He'll return for you and me.

I know He said He would come again
And for that day every soul should yearn,
For then you'll feel no more sorrow or pain,
If to Jesus you will turn.

He'll stand with arms spread open wide,
And all the Heavenly host will declare,
That He's come to take His holy Bride
To rise and meet Him in the air.

The dead in Christ will be the first to rise,
For their souls have waited for so long,
Then we who are alive will follow close behind
To finally join the Heavenly throng.

So are you watching and waiting for your King
To come and take you to His side,
Where forevermore His praise you'll sing
As His pure and holy Bride?

For He will come, of this I'm sure,
So keep looking to the sky.
Then with Him we'll reign forevermore –
He said He'd come, and He does not lie.
Copyright © 1997 Christine Chipman. All rights reserved.

God bless you, and peace be with you.



(Please check out my other blog at the link below, too.)

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